LET’S WORK on a dark dramatic psychedelic comedy script called Careless. It is about a man full of guilt because dissapointment, he hides from his problems and abuses drugs and vices, and adventure pulls him out of his deep funk and he saves a town from the fungus people.
i like the name Jonas. yes he is broke hopeless desperate failed singer song writer, failed actor writer, failed computer programmer, failed drug dealer, he lives in a cheap motel, a lot of the story takes place at or around the motel. we use abstract story-telling for example for exposition the podcast jonas is listening to starts talking about him and his inner struggle, and we use hallucinations where jonas gets confused about who someone was thinking it’s someone else, or jonas talking to himself cruelly calling himself stupid. these short moment within the story are helping us establish jonas as an unreliable narrator. we are going to skirt the line between if fungus is an alien species, some chemical corporation shady pollution, a total mental fabrication or possibly even a hoax being done to jonas. the script should be maximum 6 characters. help me organize my thoughts so far.
here’s an idea for simple what happens, a paranoid drug addled loser jonas alone in the dark, sitting motionless, camera moving around him showing different angles. him calling himself stupid stupid, 3am, reading text messages of people angry at him for missing responsibility and worried about him asking where is he, of him unable to sleep, pacing 4am, going through a relaxation meditation to try and sleep, it does not work, hours decending into madness frustrated then a knock at the door! it’s a messenger kid with a brown bag of stuff, jonas pays him, the “stuff” is drugs. he does the drugs and and drinks as the sun rises shining on face. as the sun is rising is when he first sees sticky green tint on his hands (foreshadowing the fungus) OPENING CREDITS….this opening scene is just to estabilish the main characters low self esteem paranoia and drug addiction. the fungus in addition to its multiple dubious origin discussed above is abstractly a metaphor for “brain rot” setting on every one from internet media. we will have a c plot mentions to media online dillution
i still need ideas for actions, this opening scene and various ideas are ingredients but we need people doing things and stuff happening in this script. considering the tone we have established and my love for slow creative film making, suggest 100 ideas for “things that could happen” make the responses short and direct
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