first review my investment-watcher.sql file, this is my database schema, then write a simple nodejs express server app that exposes crud for my tables. create a server.js, routes.js, config.js and controller.js file. the code should be modular and easy to extend.
let’s serve dynamic html from server.js. First analyze my data schema we are designing a modern clean minimal dashboard to review the daily investment data, consider the data types and establish a hierarchy for my page. Make the design mobile first style and very usable and readable. the ui/ux should be comforting to the user. use a simple template engine to interprolate my data into the new templates.
no the styles are not loading here is my server console: (base) PS C:\wamp64\www\investment-watcher\app> nodemon server [nodemon] 3.1.0 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching path(s): *.* [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json [nodemon] starting `node server.js` SCSS Source: C:\wamp64\www\investment-watcher\app\public\scss CSS Destination: C:\wamp64\www\investment-watcher\app\public\css Server is running on port 3001 [sass] skip: / nothing to do [sass] skip: / nothing to do [sass] skip: / nothing to do [sass] skip: / nothing to do [sass] skip: /favicon.ico nothing to do [sass] skip: / nothing to do [sass] skip: /favicon.ico nothing to do [sass] skip: / nothing to do
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